Thursday, February 17, 2011


aku slalu bca 1 person ni punya profile...
alwayz thought that dis person was so fortunate...
bg aku la..
dia ni sgt bertuah...
coz apa yg dia are da things yg aku nk sgt wat in my life...
being an excellent student,a traveller n very passionate dgn camera n editing... hahahaha
alwayz wonder when n how i could be her...
her tau not him ok...
i really admire her... hahahha
now dia dh stdy kat (*&(*^(.. benda plg aku nk dlm hidup..
kira 1 of my climax... hahaha pa dia tuh?? only yg rapat tahu... :)
bkn xnk ckp tp malu nk ckp..
kot2 impian besar tu tercapai... kan malu aku.. hehe
each n every time i read her profile,rsa sgt motivated... i wanne b like her...

moga2 apa yg aku nk ni tercapai... IMPIAN BESAR... sgt besar...
moga ALLAH mudahkn perjalanan aku utk capai IMPIAN BESAR...

Thursday, February 10, 2011


BODOH kuasa 91000!!!
very irritating la nok!!!
stop pretending la weh!!!
benci aku org tipu aku nie!!!!

sakit ja hati aku dgr n tgk hg!!!!


p/s: plz ignore all da bad wordss... moga tuhan beri hidayah kat hg.. tired of lecturing you.. dh bosan dh aku.. suka hati la nk wat apa pun... i won't b bothering u more... kata dh BESAQ kn... so act accordingly la nok...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


tanggal 7 february 2011...
aku dgn penuh nekad nya nk nek flight just to hav fun wit my frennzz.. hahaha
tapu sikit pun x menyesal spent my money on dat trip...
bcoz it's more thn worth it... hehehe
the experience were even more valuable thn  my money... hehehe

my journey begin at 5.30 a.m...
gila awal aku bgn... hahaha
to catch flight at 9 a.m cz i hav to b there 2 hours b4 depart..
pdan muka,tu la,next time book awal2 tiket... hahahaha

pastu smp klia trus nek tren g kl sentral... hehehe
aku pling lmbt smp.. hehehe sory2... aku kn org jauh.. hehehe

ok,prjlnn brmula dgn menaiki monorail..(gila baku ayat aku.. hahaha)
smp times square,bunga n askar2 serbu kedai kasut.. hahaha
tu la korg nk sgt tinggi 168.. hahaha

lepas serbu ctu,g plak low yat n sg wang... hahahaha
gila sakit kaki xyah ckp r... hahahaha
tp berbaloi-baloi... hehehehe
pastu g plak berphoto shoot dpn lot 10... hehehe

n also pavilion... hahaha
gila segan... tp alang2 dh smp.. rugi x amek gmb kn... lntk la org tgk ka apa..
ada aku kesah!!!! hahahahaha

for more pictures.. u may hav a look at my fb... hehe
b4 that,do inform me tau... cz da album sy privatekn.. hehe PnC punya album...

hope pasni dpt g singapore lak dgn dorg2  ni suma..
hehehe 1 day,i'll make it a dream come true... insyaallah...

p/s: aku dh berani n paham nek lrt cm mn... yeaahhh... pasni xda la sshkn sesapa lg.. insyallah...

Monday, February 7, 2011


hari ni,minggu ni,bulan ni, tahun ni...
rsa serba salah dgn suma org di sekeliling...
adeeeesss... cam mn nie...

aisshhh.. hate dis feeling la...

do it have to be dis way..????
waduhhh... bila la aku mahu berdikari nie...
bila la aku nk berhenti bergantung ngan orang lain....
YA ALLAH... dh byk org aku sshkn...
moga orang2 tu mendapat nikmat dan rahmat MU...

pasni SHAFINA,be more independent... lantak la apa org nk kta..
stop being concern about what other people would say...
it's all about you not them...
it's ok to make mistakes,but make sure u learn from it ok...
mistakes n experience are a GOOD teacher,the best among the best teacher...